Previously referred to as on-site contests, the 2025 prompted contest registration closes March 15 at 11:59 p.m. Central. Advisers must have an active 2025+ ASPA Membership for each publication whose staff members they wish to register. ASPA executives reserve the right to ban, disqualify and/or recall any plagiarized or illegal entries; including but not limited to any AI-generated or AI-assisted entries submitted as student work. Review the following guide for contest descriptions and judging criteria. For other questions about the 2025 prompted competitions, please e-mail our prompted director, Meag Abo, at: Register students for prompted contests using the Google Form below.


1). There are no fees for prompted competitions. 2). Students must be registered ONLINE by the deadline and can only be registered for one (1) category. Only one (1) student per ASPA-registered staff. 3). Student changes or substitutions are NOT permitted once registration has been submitted. 4). Students are responsible for all supplies needed to complete the assignment, including laptops, tablets, cameras, microphones, lighting, batteries, charging cables, etc. 5). Internet and wifi compatible devices and access are required for all computer-generated categories. The venue will provide limited-access wifi. However, ASPA cannot guarantee this service will adequately work with personal devices OR the volume of individuals using the venue's internet services. 6). Refer to the ASPA website for other necessary details and instructions. 7). All prompted contest entry materials will not be returned to the adviser or student after the contests are closed.

AP Stylebook

Prompted Contest Categories

Prompted Contest Categories


Literary Magazine Layout Design

Literary Magazine Theme Development

Newspaper Advertising Design

Newspaper Infographic Design

Newspaper Layout Design

Social Media Production

Yearbook Advertising Design

Yearbook Academics Layout

Yearbook Clubs Layout

Yearbook Sports Layout

Yearbook Student Life Layout

Yearbook Special Coverage Layout

Yearbook Theme Development

Marketing Plan (Carry-In)

*Students must be able to save files as a PDF and upload to Google Form.

Advisers will receive a link to digital materials 48 hours prior to convention which should be downloaded before competition.

**Students in social media production will need access to Instagram. They must use the exact hashtag provided on the prompt given at registration, post their social media post prior to the indicated deadline and ensure that the post is public.


Literary Magazine Essay

Literary Magazine Layout Design

Literary Magazine Personal Narrative

Literary Magazine Poetry

Literary Magazine Short Story

Literary Magazine Theme Development 

Newspaper Advertising Design

Newspaper Editorial Writing

Newspaper Feature Writing

Newspaper Infographic Design

Newspaper Interviewing/Reporting

Newspaper Layout Design

Newspaper News Writing

Newspaper Review Writing

Newspaper Sports Writing

Social Media Marketing Plan

Yearbook Advertising Design

Yearbook Academic Copy

Yearbook People Copy

Yearbook Sports Copy

Yearbook Student Life Copy

Yearbook Design Layout

Yearbook Special Coverage Layout

Yearbook Theme Development


Editorial Cartooning


Broadcast Reporting

Broadcast Commercial/Promo

Broadcast Feature Story

Broadcast News Challenge(Carry-In)

Broadcast Sports Challenge (Carry-In)

Convention Recap

Movie Trailer (Carry-In)

Music Video (Carry-In)

Short Film (Carry-In)

Silent Film

*Students must be able to upload to Google Form.


Artistic Photography (Carry-In)

Journalistic Photography (Carry-In)

Photo Story (Carry-In)

Sports Photography (Carry-In) 

Thematic Photo Series (Carry-In)

Artistic Photography 

Enterprise Shooting

***“Carry-in” indicates a category in which advisers will receive prompts prior to convention to distribute to their students.

Students should upload all carry-in contests prior to convention via Google Form.

Students may not participate in a carry-in category and another category in the same year.